While I was researching some points about how creating art affects memory and joy, for a presentation this spring in California for the “American Pilgrims on the Camino” americanpilgrims.org, I was reminded of the impact of art therapy on our happiness and well-being.
Research confirms that the more deeply we process information, the more easily we can remember it. Drawing requires a thorough engagement with the subject matter which creates a stronger memory and those memories bring joy.
Most recently I reflected on how the simple act of my daily sketching created the opportunity for my relationship with my mom to change and grow and flourish. I am so grateful for the times we had, and I was able to draw her. Those profound memories will always make me smile and fill my heart.
An email arrived from a fellow, Virgil Anderson, who is currently fighting cancer and had visited my blog. He sent along a link to an article about art therapy. His article reinforced the incredible healing power of art and art therapy. https://mesothelioma.net/benefits-art-therapy-cancer-patients/
The process of making art is good for you. There are both physical and mental benefits from creating art, expressing yourself in a tangible way, and sharing something with the world. I’m trying to do more of it each week and sometimes daily…
Create something. Share something. Make more art. Your health and happiness will improve and we’ll all be better off for it.