SketchCrawl—10/26/08 Sanur, Bali

I have always wanted to do a sketchcrawl, but have never managed to get it together in Maine. So, Sunday (Saturday was moving day), I decided to do my own Bali sketchcrawl. Not knowing anyone here, I set off alone. Well, I'm never really alone because of the all the dogs and the people trying to sell me a sarong or a Rolex or get a massage right there on the beach path. 

It is Bali, so it was one hot sketchcrawl. Had to run for cover after these four sketches because I was starting to wilt.

How does she do that?

Planning her next Bali dog move...

The preferred mode of transportation in Bali.  There is a cool cream Vespa for sale in town...

Starting the day and life as a Bali dog.