Washington DC—Day 1

I had never been to Washington DC until last week when Jerry was attending a sustainability conference so off I went to our nations capitol. I arrived on Sunday and by Monday morning when I headed to the Smithsonian Mall a cold north wind had arrived and with the windchill it was 0°.

After figuring out the Metro system where many people are sound asleep, I was off to experience the Smithsonian. It was so brutally cold that most of the famous outdoor sights were a quick walk by.

Sketching at the fabulous and most interesting Museum of Natural History.

After hours at the Museum of Natural History I faced the cold and headed off to The National Gallery.

At the end of the day, a quick sketch at the National Gallery before finding my way back to the Metro station.

On the Metro back to the hotel in Crystal City, Arlington Virginia.

All these sketches were done in a 5" x 5" Hand•Book journal that I have had for quite awhile and grabbed as I walked out the door in Maine. The paper is a dingy off-white, quite thin and buckled when I added paint. Not my first choice, but good enough for this sight-seeing event.